

之前報考了IELTS,整天都在催我上載相片,上次上載了一幅相片,可是卻被退回頭了,更說可能沒得考。哈哈,明明是跟上次考IELTS用同一張相片,是這一年多有了新的規定還是人的問題。明天就是DEADLINE,於是草草地是旦拍了張相片,然後亂剪和修改。哈哈,好明顯相片後面有一個黑影,不知道有沒有問題。 在網上看到有許多自行證件相的教學和軟件,我發現這個免費的軟件也挺好用,還能自制月歷等等。 PhotoCap 哈哈,第一次貼自己張相,很似死肥仔,另外這個星期計劃從美國訂IPAD2,不知道會否成功呢 ? 後話:第二天收到這個email,被告知相片不合格了,又要張整過,為什麼這麼麻煩,要大過100kb,浪費我的時間。 Dear Candidate We are sorry to inform that we still cannot accept the photo which you have submitted since your photo is too small. Please adjust the scanner to high resolution before you scan it and send back the photo with sufficient size (eg. more than 100kb) to us by 11 March 2011, 17:00. Late submission will not be accepted and you may not be able to take the test. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.